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Your Government

City Advisory Boards and Committees

The city’s advisory boards and committees play an important role in the operations of the City of WordPress. Unlike the Commission, members of these bodies are appointed, not elected. Some of the boards and committees require members to meet specific qualifications, such as residency in the city, or have a specific area of expertise. But while each body differs in its area of responsibility and requirements for appointment, they all have one common requirement: they depend on citizens willing to serve their city.

Follow the links below to learn more about each board or committee, to see the roster of current members and their terms of office, and agenda and minutes of meetings. You may also call the call the City’s Clerk’s office at 925.800.1007.

The advisory boards and committees are subject to the State of “Sunshine Law.” and all meetings are advertised and open to the public.

Presentations before city boards or committees

Presentations to be made before city boards must be approved by the staff responsible for that meeting’s agenda preparation and received at least 48 hours prior to the  meeting. A Presentation Support Services Request form, completed, must accompany the presentation when submitted to the appropriate staff. Presentations not submitted within the designated deadline are likely not to be incorporated into a meeting’s agenda.    Presentation material becomes part of the official and public record of the meeting and will not be returned following the meeting.


Meetings available for viewing live and on-deland

Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Historic Architectural Review Board are available for live and on-demand viewing at

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